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2020: Youth World Edition

Writer's picture: Kinley EubanksKinley Eubanks

This is 2020, Youth World edition.

January 2020

We started hiring our incredible summer staff. In coffee shops and on college campuses, our future impactors were submitting applications and answering the Lord’s call to dedicate their summer to children in need.

February 2020

Moms got filled up.

Empty grocery bags were filled with fresh produce and canned goods.

Empty hearts were filled from fellowship.

March 2020

The nation was being rocked by a pandemic.

Youth World’s Spring Break Camp was a safe place, and our kids were impacted.

We even safely hosted our Spring Carnival despite all odds.

As Youth World entered into a new season, our weekly grocery giveaways began.

April 2020

More families were fed.

Every Wednesday, cars full of hungry families lined the south Dallas streets.

Bellies were filled with the blessing of groceries and hearts were filled with the promise of hope for tomorrow.

May 2020

Summer camp counselor training began.

Young hearts beating to the same drum came together to create a symphony ready to serve.

June 2020

Summer Camp 2020 was in full swing.

The lives of the kids in our community were being changed day after day through hot meals and heart hugs.

July 2020

Crammed feet found a home in brand new sneakers at Youth World’s annual Shoe Drive.

The confidence gained from such a simple moment set our kids up to excel in a new and daunting school year.

August 2020

All of our kids got brand new backpacks for back to school, equipping them to get excited about education in its new and uncharted form.

September 2020

The Mavs Foundation blessed us with a brand new library.

Library shelves were filled with crisp, colorful stories that smelled like learning and adventure.

Our kids’ experience with literature and learning and creating will never be the same and we are so thankful.

October 2020

Our Fall Carnival happened, a drive-through this time.

Painted faces and big smiles peeked out behind masks and out of car windows, a little moment of quarantine relief.

November 2020

The Dallas Mavericks put on a basketball clinic for our teen boys, filling their heart holes with love, intentionality, and some hooping.

McDonalds of North Texas and Toyota Motor North America made sure that our families had a hot turkey dinner to sit down to on Thanksgiving.

December 2020

Three Christmas events happened back to back for the first time ever.

We took our kids to Target and they got to pick out Christmas presents.

We had a little Christmas morning at Youth World with our kids.

We hosted our Christmas Toys and Coats Giveaway.

Christmas happened for the families in our community.

What was 2020 for you?

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