Valentine’s Day is coming, and Youth World is ensuring our kids feel valued and loved on this special day. Socks are a desperate need for so many of our kids. Name brand, sweet and fun cereal are a great desire for so many of our kids. This Valentine’s Day we equipped and loved the kids of south Dallas by meeting both needs and wants.
As the warm weather approaches, we celebrate Spring and the transformation that takes place. This Spring we will be inspiring hope through carnival games, petting zoos and bounce houses. The joy doesn’t stop at the carnival, it rides home with the families in the form of groceries for a long Spring Break week.
Our Prom Dress Giveaway is an opportunity to speak identity into teenage girls while relieving what can be a big economic burden: prom dresses. The auditorium is filled with treats, encouragement and guest speakers. The gym is filled with hundreds of prom dresses, shoes and jewelry. Youth World is filled with girls ready for a reminder that they are valued.
There’s a line out the door as 300 plus kids anticipate the moment when the Youth World doors open, ready for a summer that will both transform and inspire them. Counselors rally inside, brainstorming tools to fill children with inspiration, peace and fun memories. This is where life change begins, hope is planted and excitement is abundant.